What's Happening at COR
"Alone we can do so little, together we can do so much."
~Helen Keller

We Want To Help
Have a non-profit or event you would like us to help with?
Send us an email!

Pumpkin Contest
Holiday Market 2024
Thanksgiving 2024
Our Family Services staff got together to enjoy a Thanksgiving potluck
COR's 2nd Annual Holiday Market was a huge hit this year! Santa and Mrs Clause even made an appearance!
Our Family Services staff had a pumpkin decorating contest!

Hartington Trunk Or Treat
Emerging Business of 2024
Columbus Trunk or Treat
We had such a great time at the trunk or treat last night! Thank you to the City of Columbus, Nebraska Government for putting on such an amazing event for our kiddos !
We would like to thank the Norfolk Daily News and FNBO for honoring COR as the Norfolk Area Business Hall of Fame Emerging Business of 2024. We are honored and blessed to receive this recognition.
We enjoyed the nice weather at the Hartington Trunk or Treat!

Sydney Loofe Open
EXP Community Day
FS Staff Bowling day
Some of our family services team got together for a bowling day.
If you’re looking for an environment where you become friends and family, join our team!
Thank you for including us on your food drive Shae Spitz - exp Realty & team!
On September 28, the Antelope County Country Club held The 3rd Annual Sydney Loofe Open.

Norfolk Lion's Day Parade
Rally for Recovery
Wayne State Career Fair
Wayne State College Annual Career Fair
The Connection Project put on this year's Norfolk Rally for Recovery.
COR staff and family enjoyed a beautiful day for this year's annual parade!

Columbus Out of the Darkness
Lean On Foundation
Norfolk Patch Fair
Norfolk Annual Patch Health Fair at Northeast Community College.
The Prorok family with the Lean On Foundation have built a 100% non-profit organization aimed to spread suicide awareness and prevention.
Visit their website and learn more at: leanonfoundation.com
Donna Wolff is with the Northeast Nebraska Suicide Prevention Coalition and on the Board of Directors for the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention - Nebraska Chapter.​

Norfolk Area Pride Fest 2024
Hartington Homecoming
Columbus Horse Races
Some of our COR family went out to the Columbus horse races to enjoy the weather and fun!
Paul Davies enjoyed a beautiful day in Hartington’s homecoming parade today!
“Together, we will continue working to make northeast Nebraska a place where everyone feels safe and welcome to show their True Colors.”

National Night Out
GO RED Norfolk
Problem Solving Court
The 5th Judicial District Platte County Problem-Solving Court officially opened on July 19, 2024, marked by a ceremonial ribbon-cutting event.
We had such a great night at Norforlk Goes Red for Women! Thank you to all of those who worked hard on this event for our community.
Some of our COR substance use counselors attended the CNCAA Spring Conference.

CNCAA Spring Conference
Grad & Family Night
We had a great time celebrating our graduates at family bowling night! We love and appreciate our COR family
Thank you Donna Wolff for presenting the safeTALK training. Donna is with the Northeast Nebraska Suicide Prevention Coalition and on the Board of Directors for the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention - Nebraska Chapter.
Some of our COR substance use counselors attended the CNCAA Spring Conference.

Wayne State Conference
Juvenile Services Conference
We enjoyed listening to and meeting Dr. John Gaines at the Heartland Juvenile Services Association Annual Conference. #johnpushgaines
COR staff and family volunteered at S.M.I.L.E. We helped clean and get prepared for their 2024 season!
COR presented at the 2024 Northeast Nebraska Behavioral Health Conference at the Kanter Student Center - Wayne, NE.

Holiday Market
3rd Annual Holiday Party
Food Pantry Donations
COR employees donated nearly 500lbs of essential items to local food pantries.
We are honored to get to work with such incredible people! Thank you to everyone for making this the best celebration filled with all the joy, love, and laughter.
COR employees got together for our first annual holiday market. We enjoyed all of the holiday vibes.

Overdose Prevention
Hartington Trunk or Treat
Columbus Trunk or Treat
COR attended the City of Columbus & Friends Trunk or Treat. Our theme was "Don't Let Your Cauldron Boil Over."
COR employees attended the Hartington Trunk or Treat.
Becky and Amanda presented on Overdose Prevention to the problem solving court at the Seward Civic Center.

Sydney Loofe Fundraiser
Donut Day
Healing Our Spirits
Roland Warner presented at the 21st Annual March to Honor Lost Children
HEALING OUR SPIRITS: Creating Culturally Competent Systems of Care.
COR employees love an excuse to eat all the sweets! Happy National Donut Day!
COR employees participated in the 2nd Annual Sydney Loofe Golf Tournament
at the Antelope Country Club in Neligh

Norfok Area Pride
PATCH Health Fair
NCA Fall Conference
Tobin Streff presented at the Nebraska Counseling Association Fall Conference.
COR employees attended the annual Norfolk PATCH health fair.
COR employees attended the annual Norfolk Area Pride event.

Shark Week
National Night Out
COR Employees participated in Norfolk National Night Out '23. COR appreciates all of the hard work of our local law enforcement and probation officers.
COR employees celebrated shark week. It is so important for our mental health to take the time to have fun!
COR is thrilled to have Megan Petersen join this amazing team serving on the CASA board of directors!

UNK Youth Conference
Go Red For Women
Pizza & Puzzles
COR staff held a Pizza & Puzzle competition for their quarterly all-staff outing. Thank you Humphrey Bowl / Rocker S Lanes for hosting us!
COR sponsored a table at Norfolk's Go Red for Women event aimed at bringing about awareness of heart disease in women.
COR's Andria Burgoon spoke at the University of Nebraska Kearney Youth Conference. She taught a class on "Managing Your Emotions" to youth ages 12-18.

Best of Columbus
Crime Against Women Conference
Therapist Golf Day
COR therapists got together for the quarterly outing at Kelly’s Country Club today. The weather was perfect. Our golf skills are debatable.
COR’s Amanda Milander-Mace, Ashton Ohde and Caleb Green had the opportunity to attend the 2023 Conference on Crimes Against Women (CCAW).
We want to give a huge congratulations to Julianne Laudenklos, LMHP for being recognized by Best of Columbus! We are so grateful she is part of the COR Family!

Stigma of Mental Health
NCA Conference
CrossFit 1026
COR employees participated in the CrossFit 1026 “LIFT THE STIGMA”.
COR's Tobin Streff recently presented at the NCA conference. He spoke on supervision for addiction counselors with the 12 core functions and 46 global criteria.
COR’s Paul Davies and Caleb Green make a great team! The two presented at the League of Human Dignity meeting on the Stigma of Mental Health.

Employee Holiday Party
Toronto Conference
COR staff volunteered at S.M.I.L.E. We helped clean and get prepared for their 2023 season! Check out their website to see the wonderful work they do!
COR"s Paul Davies presented on ADHD at the Nation Conference in Toronto.
We are truly blessed to have such an amazing team to celebrate the holidays with. A huge thank you to our staff for all they do! Not to mention, they are pretty fun, too!

Holiday Donations
Go Red For Women
Christmas Caroling
COR employees spread cheer the 2022 holiday season by caroling at local nursing homes.
COR sponsored a table at Norfolk's Go Red for Women event aimed at bringing about awareness of heart disease in women.
COR employees donated to Bright Horizons, Center for Survivors, Haven House and Northeast Nebraska Animal Shelter this Holiday season.

Forever in Our Hearts
Norfolk Lion's Day Parade
Bright Horizons Purple Day
COR employees wore purple to show support for domestic violence victims.
COR Employees participated in the Norfolk Lion's Day Parade.
COR family participated in Forever in Our Hearts’ 1st annual Steps of Love Pregnancy & Infant Loss Memorial Walk.

Sydney Loof Open
Norfolk Area Pride
Columbus Ribbon Cutting
COR's Columbus Office celebrated their ribbon cutting with the Coumbus Area Chamber of Commerce with a open house.
COR Employees participated in Norfolk Area Pride event.
COR was a hole sponsor for the Antelope County Country Club held The Sydney Loofe Open.

Wearing Red for SGT Ohde
National Night Out
MST Milestones
COR's MST team met for ax throwing to celebrating reaching their team goals.
COR Employees participated in Norfolk National Night Out '22. COR appreciates all of the hard work of our local law enforcement and probation officers.
COR employees wear red on Wednesdays in honor of their coworker SGT Ashton Ohde, LIMHP who is currently deployed in Texas.

Burgers with Probation
Congratulations Caleb!
Animal Shelter Day
COR employees attended an afternoon in Frankfurt Sqaure, meeting with other agencies and enjoying burgers provided all sponsored by District 5 Probation.
COR Employees volunteered their Saturday helping at the Northeast Nebraska Animal Shelter in Norfolk, Ne.
COR is proud to welcome our newest MST therapist. Caleb completed his graduate internship with COR.

Therapist Achievements
COR Therapists celebrated meeting their goals this quarter with a fun afternoon of games and food!

May Milestones
Real Colors
COR Employees participated in a Real Colors training where they learned about their personality types and how to interact with others.
COR Employees were challenged the month of May to walk 31 miles in 31 day! Angela Gadeken was our winner! She and a coworker won a dinner courtesy of COR.

May Milestones Week 2
May Milestones Week 3
May Milestones Week 4
COR Employees were challenged the fourth week of May to NO fast food. Erin Schlake was our winner!
COR Employees were challenged the third week of May to get outdoors with family. Paul Davies was our winner!
COR Employees were challenged the second week of May to challenge a coworker and join them in completing an activity that promotes good health. Kendra Freudenburg was our winner!

May Milestones Week 1
COR Employees were challenged the first week of May to set a personal goal for the week. Gina Krysl was our winner!

Memorial Day Murph
COR employees participated in the Memorial Day Murph with Anytime Fitness.

Lift the Stigma
Thank you CrossFit 1026 and COR employees who participated in their event! CrossFit 1026 raised money and awareness for MENTAL HEALTH and to help “LIFT THE STIGMA” surrounding it.

Family Services Acheivements
Our Family Services Specialists are always ‘targeting’ their goals and achieving them! We celebrated them and their amazing work with a day of axe throwing!

Dave Claussen Benefit
COR employees participated in raising money for Dave Claussen who is currently fighting cancer. He and his wife, Michelle, both work in the substance and mental health field and devote their lives to helping and serving others.

Door Decorating Contest
COR employees celebrated the holiday by participating in a company wide door decorating contest. The winner goes to Ashton Ohde!

One of our own here at COR, Ashton Ohde, helped support bringing awareness to end veteran suicide by ruck marching the Lincoln Half Marathon with a group of her fellow soldiers. Each soldier carried 22 pounds in remembrance of the 22 veterans that lose their fight and complete suicide each day. If you or a veteran you know is struggling, we are here to help.

Bright Horizons Denim Days
COR supports the great work Bright Horizons does. The funds raised for Denim Days stay right here in their 10 county service areas. They serve men, women, and children affected by sexual assault and domestic violence.

Christmas Donations
COR employees donated to Bright Horizons this Holiday season. Bright Horizons is Norfolk's agency on domestic violence and assault.

Teddy Bear Run
In remembrance of Caylee Nikkole Hoehne, COR partnered with Norfolk Anytime Fitness in collecting donations for the 3rd annual Children's Hospital Teddy Bear Run.

Food for Families
A huge thank you to the United Way & Farmers for Families who provided 40 food boxes to serve our families in February!

100 Days
COR celebrated our first 100 days with an employee and family bowling and pizza party!

Epilepsy Awareness
COR employees participated in Norfolk's 2nd Annual STOMP Out Epilepsy and SUDEP Awareness Walk/Run. Funds raised provide financial assistance for fully-trained seizure-response dogs, tangible life-saving movement monitors and wish trips to Epilepsy Awareness Educational Expo and Day at Disneyland.

Norfolk Pride Festival
COR employees participated in Norfolk's first Pride Festival. Norfolk Area Pride is a non-profit organization that provides services, community education, safety, awareness and support for LGBTQ+ individuals in Northeast Nebraska.

Fire & Iron Memorial Run
COR participated in the Fire & Iron Kevin "Trapper" Davidson Memorial Poker Run. A portion of the proceeds went to the Nygren family and Live on Nebraska along with other local families in need.

Shannon Lee Benefit
To make a donation contact the Frontier Bank under Shelly Lee.
1106 West Benjamin #100 Norfolk, NE.

Food Drive
COR employees recently donated to four area food pantries. We are so thankful to have these agencies and resources to help our community and families.
If you would like assistance in making donations we are happy to help!

Teacher Appreciation Week
COR celebrated our teachers last month!
We want to thank our schools for the extraordinary work they do with our children and for our community. It is their passion and dedication that shape the future of our youth.

Strides of March
COR challenged our employees to get active in March. We had a great turn out!

1,000 Sessions
In March, COR celebrated our 1,000th session! Thank you all for your support!

100 Sessions
On 1/19/2021, COR celebrated our 100th session! Thank you all for your support!