COR Therapeutic Services, LLC has had the privilege to participate in our local National Night Out for the last three years. This event is something our agency looks forward to each year as a way to celebrate and support the interagency relationships within our community. National Night Out falls on the first Tuesday of August every year in various communities across the nation.
The goal of National Night Out is to enhance the relationship between law enforcement and the community in a positive setting. COR Therapeutic Services continues to be grateful to our local enforcement and community partners for their contribution to the individuals and families we serve and to be able to walk beside them each and every day in our various roles.
In Norfolk, NE National Night Out takes place at Central Park. The park is filled with service clubs, organizations and agencies from the area. There area multitude of games, food and other activities all free to the public. It's a great place for children, adults and families to interact with Law Enforcement and other Safety Officials in a fun and safe environment.
For more information you can check out their website